Within Destruction (SVN) 'ANIMETAL' World Tour
Within Destruction (SVN) 'ANIMETAL' World Tour
Destroy All Lines + Slamman Bookings

Within Destruction (SVN) 'ANIMETAL' World Tour

Distant (NLD), Gravemind
The Valley Loft (Fortitude Valley, QLD)
Saturday, 5 April 2025 7:00 pm
51 days away
18 Plus
Heavy Metal

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VIP Meet & Greet
This ticket grants you early entry to the show during soundcheck, an exclusive Within Destruction keyring, plus a VIP lanyard and exclusive tour poster, signing and photo opportunity with the band plus first access to merch.  Limited to 30 people only!
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Slovenian futurists Within Destruction return to Australia on the eve of their sixth full-length ANIMETAL - their first for the legendary Sumerian Records. Having truly transcended their deathcore origins, the band’s once relentlessly brutal sound has flourished into a cyberized, anime inspired, and unpredictable concoction. Fans of sheer guttural force fear not however - as fellow Europeans Distant will be tagging along to bring their downtempo slams to Australia for the first time ever. With Melbourne’s Gravemind rounding out the bill, this is a psychotic trio of modern metal sure to dazzle and pulverize.